In "ChickenFilter"

The software that needed to be installed to print the coupon is some bad stuff and won't fully uninstall if you uninstall it. The promotion for the crappy free chicken is over, but if you printed a coupon, you might want to look at this.

In "Many presidential "firsts" possible in 2008."

If it had continued on, with women voting as a block and in their own interests, there would have indeed been a female President. The problem with this idea is that women don't really have any unified interests. But I don't know much about women so I could be wrong. Still, I think 50% of the population is going to have wildly different views and opinions.

What frac said. The quote from Bush Senior in 1987, "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." still makes me so hopping mad I can't see straight. You might want to console yourself that it has never really been proven that George Bush Sr ever said that. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been able to produce the quote from its orignal source and the link you provided states The original online source for this material, frequently cited on both pro- and antiatheism websites, no longer exists. Also, George Bush Sr was only a one term president so at the end of the day he's a loser. Also, he has been dealing with defective sperm his entire life.

In "Snickers' Super Homophobia"

i guess you're right, Space Coyote getting the crap beaten out of someone for kissing another man isn't worthy of any sort outrage. Please, feel free to beat me senseless next time you see me, since I am guilty of just that offense. If you and your partner want to smack each other around after kissing that is your right as an adult.

In "Clinton On "Fox News Sunday""

Fox News: Asking Democrats the Tough Questions! What about Republicans, you ask? Well, the GOP isn't in bed with the terrorists. Do you want us to call the FBI on you?

In "Torture's Long Shadow -- A Soviet Dissident's Advice to the US"

Best quote from the article: No country needs to invent how to "legalize" torture; the problem is rather how to stop it from happening.

Nal is a real asshole for asking a legitimate question.

In "No skinny chicks!"

Seriously, I've begun to wonder whether women's clothes are being designed for women, or for transvestite boys...I do mind having to go three sizes too big on my shoulders to get anything to fit my breasts and hips. I wonder if part of the problem is that so many designers are gay men and would prefer to deal with uncurvy bodies. There's way more to the uber-skinny model thing than gay designers, definatly, but, hey, why would a gay man want to spend time hasseling with breasts and hips? They're just a load of fat to him.

In "Crikey! A stingray finishes the job for the crocs"

The Noozles are pretty harmless.

In "The Royalist"

I've never made an FPP in part because I am kind of scared of getting beat up. Pussy.

In "Culturally Competent George:"

On the Indian vs. Native American debate, it would probably be best in Nickdanger's case to just use Sioux. I would advise you that the last thing you should be is overly patronizing toward the Natives. That isn't to say to not show any interest in the culture, alot of them will be more than happy to teach a honkey about their ways. But any Indian who is old enough has had enough of that fawning over their ways from New Agers in the Sixties.

In "911 Cover Up Video"

In the spirit of being fair and balanced, I am going to link to Maddox's There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons. You've probably all seen this before since Maddox's site is the most popular on the web at gets 10,453,234 hits a minute.

I'm not going to bother to watch the video, but I'm still going to disagree that any of those claims are in any way interesting at least.

In "But what about all those exploding cigar gags?"

This is bullshit just like how if you buy an Abbey Road poster, you'll notice the ciggarette has been airbushed out of Paul's hand. If I'm reading the article correctly, this change is only going to apply to the UK version of Boomerang and not the US version.

In "Curious Detective George:"

It might be easier for you to hire just a private investigator. A good PI will know the resources online and in the real world to perform a background check. It will cost money, of course, but you might find the price better than trying to do all the work yourself.

In "On the occasion of Castro's birthday"

Alex forgot to mention the part about Castro jailing all those innocent people and the whole dictator thing. I guess it is only bad when American politicans warm up to dictators. Nothing wrong with a Canadian PM doing it.

In "A short video (warning: Flash) about severl of the photos we have heard about recently involving Lebanon"

As much as going to LGF is a real mind fuck, the damndest thing is that with the effect of the Killian document controversy and now the Reuters photos, it's easily the blog with the most influence in the real world.

In "CuriousGeorge: What happened to phone etiquette?"

What kind of phone work do you do? Is it telemarketing or sales or something other. Because in telemarketing, people being called aren't going to feel like being polite. But I do occasional fund raising by phone for a college and I've always gotten the thank you and goodbye, unless the person really does not want to be bothered and even then about 60% give a quick no thank you and goodbye. Maybe they are nicer because it's a non-profit. The only time I don't get a goodbye in a personal call is if one of our cell phones cuts out early. Maybe people don't like you. ;)

In "The Mighty Mac."

Mackinac Bridge kicks fucking ass. My grandpappy was an engineer during the construction. His big thing was designing the way the bridge connected to the roads, which as far as I'm concerned should mean I'm entitled to not pay the $2.50 toll.

In "Curious George: Leaving the Office"

If you're that in need of a change from the office, I don't know, join Greenpeace. I assume they pay, I guess. You'll meet a lot of chicks, which is awesome if you are a dude or lesbo. Plus you get to hang out on a boat. Or maybe the military. I you don't like having a boss, really don't like having aboss. Consider what skills and interests you would have to start your own business or go freelance. There's alot less of a safety net, but you can shake that total lack of tangible accomplishment.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)